Want Strong Bones? Friends with Three Things It

Strong bones is absolutely necessary to be able to normal activities. In general, the bones had three friends and one enemy. You should also friendly bone friends and share your bones in order to avoid enemy can lead an active lifestyle risk-free porous and brittle bones.

  •  Calcium
 Before steadily taking supplements, you should know first the condition of the body. It may be that you do need a supplement, it could be not. Calcium needs of each person is different. Not only depend on the age and activity, but also from everyday eating habits. Calcium needs of an average adult is 1,000 mg per day.
Know the condition of undergoing a bone with bone density checks. If it is less, increase the variety of calcium-rich foods. For example, milk and dark green leafy vegetables. Or, eat sardines or anchovies that have been processed until soft bones and bone meal together. Before 10 o'clock in the morning sun is also a source of vitamin D naturally.
Consumption of vitamin D also helps the absorption of calcium. Vitamin this one also proved successful in preventing various kinds of diseases, from heart to dementia. However, we are not advised to take vitamin D excess. Therefore, the excess will be stored in the body and can cause bad effects later. For example, kidney disorders, bone and muscle weakness, as well as bleeding.
  •   Dumbbell
 Physical akitivitas is one key to getting healthy and strong bones,? Said Ronald Zernicke, PhD, director of the University of Michigan Bone and Joint Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Center. Perbanyaklah daily activities, such as walking and climbing stairs. Every now and then, do the variations according to the abilities and needs. For example, walking, lifting dumbbell.?

When selecting dumbbell, adjust our strength. As an alternative, we can use special balls that can be pressed by hand or foot, with appropriate pressure capabilities. Did not have the ball? Change the exercise by pressing the palm of the hand to the table. The longer, the added burden.
  • Skipping rope
 According Vonda Wright, MD, a bone specialist from Pittsburgh, jumping rope is one of physical exercise strengthens bones. This exercise is recommended for the ideal body weight and below the average. Jump rope should not be done by people with excess weight because it could lead to a knee injury.
When jumping, the knee should bear the burden as much as 4 times as much weight. Just imagine if people weighing 100 kg should jump. That is, the knee must bear the weight of 400 kg. Certainly, the risk of major injury.
Soft drink
Women who frequently consume soft drinks, increased risk for decreased bone density. Better to choose tea, which according to research by the National Cheng Kung University Hospital in Taiwan, merit good for our bones.

Source: health.kompas.com

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